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Educational programmes
At Education for Life, we implement a diverse array of customized programmes within schools and local authorities throughout Israel. Our programmes are carefully designed to meet the unique needs of each educational setting, providing comprehensive support and resources to enhance the well-being of students, educators, and the broader community.
We have received approval from the Ministry of Education (Gefen system) and successfully integrated these programmes into numerous schools nationwide in recent years.

Programme 12006 - Well-being in Education
The Well-being in Education programme is a holistic educational concept that promotes educational well-being by cultivating core capacities and communication skills, alongside creating personal and social awareness.
The programme helps primary and secondary schools to lead change and improvement processes to strengthen infrastructure in the areas of organization, staff, and community and to improve educational achievements and climate.
Our education initiatives cover various areas like leadership, team empowerment, social and emotional learning, community engagement, and student involvement through programmes like the “student council.” We offer support in organizational management, assist with long-term planning, establish routines, empower staff, and ensure effective execution.
We also focus on fostering a progressive mindset, improving relationships with parents and the community, and equipping students with essential skills like research, empathy, and teamwork. The programme is implemented as part of a regular two-year programme in cooperation with the local authority and sometimes as part of school training for the educational staff.
The change process we lead always includes working with education teams (the bulk of the programme), the principal and his/her leading management team, the student council (throughout the school year), and the parent leadership (6-8 annual meetings).

Programme 1333- The Educational Alliance
The educational alliance is a significant model developed to create a charter within the school society.
It anchors common values, behaviours, and agreed lines of action, underscoring the crucial role of each stakeholder in its implementation.
Establishing an educational alliance is a procedure that regulates the relations between all partners; the document is created jointly by all stakeholders to promote an optimal communication process between them.
The existence of a written document is evidence of the progress of a social-community process in the school rather than an achievement itself.
The process of forming an educational alliance is designed to achieve several community goals:
- Creating a joint social-community responsibility for the parents, the educational staff, and the students.
- Institutionalizing cooperation and optimal communication between everyone in the school.
- Forming school arrangements and procedures to maintain the protection and well-being of students, teachers, and parents, including building an outline for situations of ambiguity or conflicts in the relationship.
- Promoting school consolidation, social solidarity and developing local pride in belonging to the school.

Programme 11609 - Digital Well-being (Online Safeguarding)
The Digital Well-being (Online Safeguarding) flagship programme aims to combat bullying and increase the protection of children and teenagers online.
It is dedicated to training educational staff, students, and parents through collaborative engagement. The programme is based on the most updated knowledge in the field of online safety.
It introduces the subject using a variety of educational methods (videos, simulations, role-plays, etc.).
The school counsellors and principals are essential in leading the programme within the school and are active partners in fostering a culture of digital well-being within classrooms.